Johnny, la gente esta Mallorca!

Hands up, who´s been?
Okay, and who´s been to the ´real´ Mallorca, the one behind the hotel complexes and overcrowded beaches?
Yes, it exists and it´s out there.
Since I spent one summer in one of the little villages as an entertainer, and since my best friend still lives and studies there, me and some of my best mates ventured out on a journey to explore the island in spring by foot, car, and stomach.

Firstly, there´s the capital of the island, all-too-soon forgotten but architectural gem and shopping haven Palma de Mallorca. Every time I go I am enchanted by the beautiful Art Nouveau houses, the big cathedral La Seu throning over the Marina Harbour with its white yachts and turquoise waters, the little alleyways with restaurants in cave-like spheres and expensive-looking interiors.
On Saturday morning, I wake up with hair sticking to all sides and assess the damage done from partying last night: a dizzy head that reminds me of the rum-colas I had and my legs hurting from the dancing to latin american rythms. Eva declares she just realized how anti-social partying is in Berlin in contrast to here: Berlin, everybody dances to themselves, drinks their Mate (Vodka) or beer, until early in the morning, hardly ever any social interaction. Palma: you take one of the few buses running every half-hour or so to the Marina, get lured into any club with promises of free cocktails (which we happily accept), let yourself be energized by the reggaeton beat and start to have fun, dance salsa and bachata with your friends and random people, get drunk and dizzy. I feel like back in my teenage years, it´s great.
We have long breakfasts on the terrace with huevos pericos colombian style, baguette, fruit salad and fresh delicious oranges and then go trekking, visit wonderful markets in little villages and also visit our old entertainer village, Calas de Mallorca.
Yes, Mallorca is beautiful. In summer populated by Germans, English and Belgian both party tourists (Magaluf, El Arenal) and families (all other coastal towns), in spring a beautiful green island with almond trees in full flower and a nice warm breeze that is perfect for all the bike tours that happen now and to expore its winding roads and wide open landscapes.
Famous poets and artists like Chopin resided here recognizing the local culture (they have three official languages: mallorquin, catalan and spanish) and the foods: local Ensaimadas, cheeses and chorizos, jamon and pa´amb´oli, olives, tapas, and of course the fresh fruit and vegetables.
Guess who was here, too?
Does that count as underage drinking? Tss…appearently Tapir hasn´t gotten over the idea of party tourism here yet.
Well, I hope you have! And next time you hear the word Mallorca, give it a break. Give this lovely little island the chance to win your heart like it has won mine – there´s much more to it than meets the eye!